Thursday, May 14, 2015

There's no place like home by Francis Yang

I Couldn’t Ask for More

Where was I? Did I black out or something? A damp concrete path laid under me , while a gloomy night sky spread over me like monster Nutella, starless. As my two stubby legs started to stand up, I recognised this place as the view I see every single morning when I wake up. Only dark, neither a car nor person to be seen. Was this creepy, apartment overloaded horror place really what I was thinking of? It couldn’t be. I was a chubby little teddy, on a mission to go back home, inside of New York City.

Face drooping, a tiny tear dropped from my plastic eye. Who was going to save me? All hope was lost until a piece of scrap paper slapped on my face like a fly swatter. “Must have flew from that dumpster,” I thought. But like they say, one man’s rubbish is another man’s treasure, and my luck was on the bright side. It was an old letter sent to a person called “John Cray”. Wait isn’t that name familiar? Of course, that’s the name I hear every morning! His mother needs him getting ready for school! But most of all, he’s my owner! Everything was going to plan when I turned the paper around... An address stamped in bright red. Jackpot...

Ow! What was this? A rubber band? No, get off me! Well this adventure had to go on with a rubber band stuck to my foot. So this has to be it. One, beast of a short lamp post had a rusty sign, which was supported by a bit of duct tape that said “5th Avenue.” Fourth from the right, fourth from the right, there it is. Another random apartment in this city to the humans, but that in teddy language, is home. “But how about in Candy land.” “Am I going to even get up there?”  Scanning, scanning, aha. An open window. Walking over to a rather haunted alley, bits of cut string and sticks were sitting by a dumpster and oh, plouh, yUK! Are the rats having roasted frog’s tongue with football sock gravy plOuHH!! You know what let’s get outta here! Right carry on. Put a piece there, tie that up with that, place this rubber band... if I can... get it off my foot! Back in 20 years! Arrange that angle with that, frame that final piece... It’s ready.

List of things to make sure during catapult procedure:

Make sure that test subject is geared up with protective wear.

Launcher is nice and sturdy.

A whole flock of black crows aren’t in your way, ready to gobble you up like an ant.

Of course, I’m never ready for anything. But it was my hope of ever being safe again. I pulled back, aimed, and let go. The sound of the catapult shattering as I fired was sound-defying, my eardrums were about to be demolished. How long had it been? Nothing could tell if you’re speeding through the air like this. Suddenly nature did it’s final blow. A black, inky bird shot through my ear, sending me flying off course. Then...

Where was I? Did I black out or something? A warm, wooden window sill laid under me, while the light blue ceiling of a kid’s room spread over me like a one-colored rainbow. Most of all, I had a comfortable paper cast on my head that was held by a rough piece of tape. I was back with a welcoming house, happiness, but of course...
There’s no place like home.  



1 comment:

  1. COOL Francis that is one of the most brilliant stories EVER hope you win the Competition

    - Ronit
