Tuesday, August 21, 2012

The Mystical Fang By Ravin Singh

 Have you ever wondered what it might be like to climb a really high mountain without any food or power?Well,in this story two young boys named Dracula and Luke go on a quest to find Dracula's fang at the top of Mount Doom."Are you all packed?"said Dracula to Luke in his castle."Yes"replied Luke.

"I was just thinking,maybe tomorrow we could go and get my fang at the top of Mount Doom.My family's low on blood and I don't want them to die!"said Dracula as they walked towards school.Dracula was the one-of-a-kind friendly vampire,who had extraordinary powers like superhuman strength and the power to turn  into any animal and even mist at will.He had deathly pale skin as white as snow and he always had an eye for adventure."OK,OK"replied Luke."We'll head out tomorrow morning."He was proud of his strength and his power to transform into a mighty werewolf with vicious claws as sharp as thorns

The next morning,they stood at the bottom of the riggid mountain.The sloping large mountain loomed above them as a vicious pack of wolfs scampered around it.Luke and Dracula raced up the mountain as fast as a cheetah.Halfway up the mountain,they were tired and hungry.Luke was exhausted and asked Dracula to carry his bag for him so he did.They trugged up the mountain and Luke and Dracula teetered on their feet.But they were determined and they thrusted themselves up the mountain just in time and landed on the mouth of a cave.A terrible monsterous creature with studded spikes snarled deep in its throat and Dracula and Luke thought it was a powerful yeti.Luke,now fueled with anger transformed into a vicious werewolf.They extended their sharp claws and used them to slash each other with rage.The werewolf growled so loud that the ice around them started to crack.Still locked in battle,with a powerful surge of kinetic energy the werewolf slashed his long,sharp claws at the wimping yeti,causing a deep cut in the yetis throat.The raging yeti roared and with a powerful leap,knocked the werewolf in the head.Instinctively,he changed back into his normal form.

Dracula had seen what had happened and he turned into a bat and bit the yeti and deeply drank its blood.The yeti yelped and slowly his energy was drained out of his body.The yeti suddenly staggered about and he fell all the way down the mountain.Dracula then flew lower down the mountain and suddenly,he found his diminishing friend,Luke.Dracula quickly healed Luke with his powers and soon they were back climbing again.They could just see the peak of the mountain up ahead of them.Finally,they reached the top of the mountain and they took the fang from it.The power from the fang absorbed into Dracula's body.One of his abilities was to think of a place and he could be there,instant transmission.Quick as a blink,Luke and Dracula were sitting on lazy boy chairs in Dracula's living room.Dracula's mum and dad were there and they were all drinking fresh,life-giving blood and they all lived happily ever after.


  1. Cool story

    From Monique

  2. awesome story ravin


  3. Amazing detail Ravin! you are a fantastic writer for sure :)

  4. that was a great story
    Zoiab M. RM 25

    I leked you story.It had lots of detail and descriptive language

    Trishul Rm 25

  6. I like your story Ravin you are an a amazing writer

    Lloyd Room 25

  7. Awesome work ravin

    By Anjali

  8. Interesting story! very descriptive

  9. cool story ravin

    from Ayoshna

  10. Nice story but you should try using metaphors. It adds more voice into your writing cool story though

    From last year :]

  11. really cool story room 24 i really enjoyed it
